Quote Originally Posted by shinytoy View Post
Can I have my 2.3m gold back? I haven't even gotten Breeze to level 41 yet. These mistakes and oversights are constantly hurting people's in game gold, which many like myself used real life money to get. I did not run out and purchase that pet initially because I thought you guys were going to take a 2nd look at it. Then when I saw you guys (STS) acknowledge Breeze's AA and passive attack on multiple forum posts, I figured it was safe to purchase. All of the sudden, you change your mind again and now what I'm hearing is kiss the 2.3m goodbye and find another pet. Do you know how much real life money 2.3m equates to? It's more than $50 USD.

This is out of hand. Professional companies have game testers for a reason and that is so the customer has a seamless experience. With this game it's constantly buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff , nerf and depending on when you buy, someone makes money, while the other loses gold. It's not right. If you guys had just ONE SINGLE person at your company that played this game 1 hour per day, then you would know what the effects of all of these things are and not make so many mistakes.
Things like this is exactly why it's more of an open discussion about proposed changes and what is best for everyone. Given the nature of Breeze's overpowered ability do you have specific feedback on what would make this pet feel more balanced and also worth your money? It sounds like the idea of an isolated immunity to his own ability would be a good compromise.