This isn't meant to offend anyone. So try not to look at like that. Let's face it AL has become a pay to win game. If you don't have the mythic and arcane gear no one will run with you when it comes to end game content. The gap between rich and poor is so expansive that it's ridiculous not mention that it's not fun too play anymore. I had to beg I mean literally beg people that have the tip top gear in the game to get help. All my gear is legendary but, after having to beg people that have the best gear in the game I just simply said it's not worth it. The top players are so snobbish that if you speak to them they are so high on horse that they don't even speak back. Kind of reminds me in real life that if you don't have a certain status or income bracket then they don't want anything to do with you. And this is a game and I read where people say they help people all the time and I've asked some of you gamers who post these comments and no answer so it's just all lies. I may just leave the AL community and play something different.