hey all, altho i am not a lock opener but still i want to give this idea where a person who opens a lot of lock gets a fair slice out of it. i have seen many threads saying that they opened this many locks and not get anything, altho i agree that its a gamble but still just think guys its just a game and how will u feel if u spend 600-700 dollars on game and get nothing. its absolutely not fair. others may say its a gamble but that person surely feels cheated imo.

so here is my idea: if a person opens a lot of locks like say 500 or 1k locks then he shud get a special chest which drops sure mythic or arcane. like if a person opens 500 crates he gets a mythic chest which always drops a mythic 100 percent and that mythic may be anything from mythic ring to the new bow. similarly if a person opens 1k locks then the person gets a arcane chest which drops a arcane item always. and that item could be anything from hj to samael. those chest may also be traded.

tell ur views on this