Quote Originally Posted by Archadis View Post
I havent even seen that movie, yet I have still heard this about million times.
Funnily enough I have never heard any of the songs before seeing the movie, a whole year after its release. I guess I should be thankful that "Let it go" does not play on every radio station and every mall 24/7, as I have heard is (was?) the case in America and Japan. Frozen was of course always being shoved in my face as a regular internet user, but I never bothered to listen/read/watch anything Frozen related. As said before, I thought it was just a girly and a very childish movie. That day, when I could not find any good movie to watch, I decided on Frozen, simply out of curiousity and I was prepared to hate on the movie so hard. Well... you know what happened next. 14 minutes 4 seconds into the film I was filled with love instead of the expected hate. It was certainly the weirdest opinion shifting movie experience I have ever had.

I guess that not hearing the songs prior to the viewing of the film helped to preserve the magic. I do not think that the songs would be so well recieved on my part if I would have heard them before. Which leads to my main pont; WATCH FROZEN. Hearing the song is a completely different experience with knowledge of the backstory and when listening to it in the right setting.