Has anyone else experienced random disconnects in mid-run while playing on Chrome? I have noticed this happening and have tried to characterize the issue. Here's what I've found so far.

1. It happens only when using Chrome. Android and iOS apps never show the issue.
2. It doesn't always happen, but when it does there is a consistent pattern. It always happens exactly 2 minutes after starting a new zone.
3. The disconnect goes right to the "You have been disconnected from the server" screen.
4. There's no correlation with anything I'm doing at the time. I could be idle, pressing skills, walking, etc.

I have tried things like rebooting the computer and router, disabling anti-virus, etc. None of these things has any effect on the problem.

If anyone else sees this behavior, it would be useful to know what you see. Also if there are any other debugging steps I can take to get more info on what's going on, I'd love to hear it.