This is a story of the mighty warrior cyberalone childhood,
When Cyberalone was a little cyber bear, he didn't knew what is his name because his parents died in a war. he was too small and always wanted to play with some animals but nobody liked him because he had no parents. Sad and poor fury was alone in his life,, no one to help him and no one from whom he could play.
One day, he got a thought to adventure alterra and be a mighty warrior like his dad. Once, he was trying to adventure alterra he found a magical portal. He decided to enter it but Forest haven sheriff and Bayer the mystic stopped him to go in. Sheriff said," don't go in little bear. That's the place where the undead zombies live. take-" Before the sheriff could complete his conversation Bayer scared him away. After a day when the poor little bear(Cyberalone) thought that if he enter the portal, he can be an awesome warrior by killing those zombies and save the alterra! Then at night hiding inside ellie the enchantress tent, he rushed into the magical portal. There he found three more people killing those zombies. He joined up with them and killed the zombies. At the 4th dungeon : shadow of evil, they found two mighty heroes, Kinggshahzeb the enchantress and unfixable the warrior.They welcomed them and kinggshahzeb asked the cyber bear that,"hello little boy, What's your name?" "I don't know my name, i have no parents, my parents died in a war" answered cyber bear. They both lead them in the dungeon and wished them best of luck. There all four completed that dungeon too and went to Dungeon 5: overgrown Power. Everybody were returning from their that cyber bear asked one of his companion,"why are you all leaving". His companion answered,"you don't know about the wicked silknight? Anyways we can't beat her so we are running back". Their cyer bear had his chance to kill that witch. He went all the way to her palace. Taking the power elixir from vincent vendor standing at the entrance for help he went in. He was too frightened to see her skeleton face but he didn't lose his hope and using his mighty skills, he attacked and half her. The wicked witch knew she will lose so she pushed him away and was just going to do the mightiest blast of her to kill the bear that kinggshahzeb with his magnificent powers freeze the witch and unfixable with his mighty stomp, stomped her away and performed the SHATTERED! combo and saved cyber's life. Then, they asked from the bear that why he faced her? Cyber answered," I want to be a mighty warrior like my dad so i faced her". then they both took cyber with them and taught him. Then when he got a true mighty warrior, he named himself Cyberalone because he have faced loneliness which was unforgettable. He forgive everyone who ignored him and called him names and help those to be a hero like him too.