Hi, Im new to AL. Started yesterday. I tried it once before and it was pretty confusing, because I was used to PL, but now Im getting the hang of it. Lots of things are better in AL, but there are a few things I dislike for e.g.
1. You can only use 4 skills
2. You only get 15 minute non - plat elixirs
3. Game is very Platinum dependent, but thats probably why AL is their main game now.
4. Classes can only equip base stat items. This one I'm really shocked at. I expected that they would give the chance to experiment with your character. I'm looking forward to an update like this. Maybe from 41 onward, classes can equip other stat items.

I like the idea of chests/locked chests but then again you need platinum to open locked ones. I have a question though. Can good items drop from bosses or do they come from locked chests only or buying with platinum from the store?
