Hi guys I was reading some posts and I would like to clarify a few things

Locked crates

First things frist locked crates, these days al is based mainly on locked crates everyone knows that. I have read a few forum posts and people complain for opening 1700 plat worth crates and not receiving anything. They then say up the drop rate. Let me clarify why it's so low. I have opened 30k plat worth of crates and have not received anything, but I understand why STG does this. Why? Because al has millions of players playing it everyday. Hundreds of thousands of crate popers, imagine increasing the rate of Arcanes being looted to being able to loot them so easily like those who spend 100 dollars want. 1st market would be flooded with items not even being bought so how are you going to make gold then? Then how will STG make there money to pay there staff if everyone is only paying 100 dollars to get "rich". Another fact is that the community would again complain to decrease the drop rate and you start all over again .

P.s srry if this is not very organized.


Everyone is saying buff sorcerers, buff tanks, buff rogues. What good will come out of that? Buff mages again and you will have everyone complains about how a rogue can't take a mage down now please nerf. Or can't take a tank down please nerf. Can't take a rogue down please nerf. These are all the problems we see in the STG community everyday making problems for no reason. In reality everything is really fine. Mages shields have been buffed and cool down time reduced making mages possible to win with rogues again. On one other thread a person asked to buff rogues. Say STG buffs rogues they will completely destroy mages with more dps what good does a mage buff do when rogues just get buffed and mages are useless again?

Please post some feedback ty