As someone now playing end game, sporting mythic gear and beginning arcane pet collection, I feel I finally have the right to comment on this objectively. Again, just an opinion here, but curious if it has crossed anyone else's mind.

I get it. Everything good we get in this game we bust our behinds for. A LOT of time and a lot of hard work. But the starter pets are just ridiculous. I get we aren't supposed to use them long and the pet system is basically a small pokemon-esque collection event, more important with many to get them rather than do anything with 96% of them. But for those 3 intro pets could we just scale them differently?

A thought, for those three only, have them hit evolutionary stages? No appearance change necessary, but say levels 1-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-45, and 46 run respective brackets for stat bonus improvements to scale with the low end of the pets typically bought throughout those level gaps?

It's not going to hurt pet sales or collections because we all know we still pick our favorites and eventually we all want to collect them all, I'm sure. But it gives the players a definitive, helpful go-to pet while levelling up and figuring pet choices out for the first time without gimping anything else.