Apologies if this is a rehash but I've had the unique experience of playing PL on 3 different devices recently and I must say... Device matters.

I'm not talking in a marginal way either. I mean jaw dropping performance issues between each machine.

I use a Droid 2 to play PL 99% of the time and despite dealing with most of the common issues listed within more specific threads, I figured it was adequate. (Common/severe issues include unresponsive key presses for abilities and movements)

Playing on an Ipad was awkward though I chalk that up to interface preference and difficulties in recreating habits. Regardless, I felt the Ipad still had similar performance issues in regards to touch sensitivity when spamming multiple functions.

Holding posterity in highest regard, I must say that using the Samsung Galaxy Tab performed the best in almost every aspect. I'm not trying to make this a technical review but daaaaaaaaamn! The screen ratio was perfect for "dual thumbing" without reaching and proportions seemed preferable though the largest difference was in the sensitivity. This device was so responsive in executing fluid combos regardless of how maniacally I wielded the movement cursor it was sadly disappointing I didn't own it.

I have to say the difference was so overwhelming I can't help but feel suddenly unsatisfied when playing the game on my original Droid 2. The PVP experience feels unthinkably awkward and depressing. Anyone have similar multi-device experiences?