hello everyone

i have been playing this game for 3 years really great wonderfull game but ........

well i dont know if what am writing is right or not but i have to

i bought plat many times and i never looted good thing while i hear ppl looting from 5-10 lockeds
my freinds also having the same problem with loots like 0%

so what will make me buy platinum again ? i have hard time deleting craps i looted after openning lockeds

and arena i did over 500 runs i didnt see a recepi drop while some ppl looted 3-4-5 /// does that make sense ?

you say drops are random and pure luck why pure luck is more seen in big guilds ...

i really worked hard in all ways i got nthing even i got scammed twice and thank none even cared about it

i feel like none cares about us if we are not in thoese big will known guilds

i dont know what to say