Quote Originally Posted by bmooooo View Post
guys i just noticed this. My friend have a lvl 40 shade, then we tried the aa and its pretty impressive but the pool damage is ridiculously low i have 7k and 2k armor and it only damages 66 per tick.. And after a while another friend of mine bought shade and leveled it up to 16.. Then he tried it on pvp with me i was surprised it damage 66 per tick too and its only lvl16 xD so i think that the level doesnt matter coz the aa pools damage are the same in all levels.. And guys it deserves a decent damage like 150-200 per tick knowing its a rate pet. But the pool's debuff is pretty op -20 armor and -10% crit +slow... JUST PLS FIX THE DAMAGE.. Many ppl payed tons of gold/plat for this pet
May I ask
Can you show me what the aa looks like

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