Quote Originally Posted by mizzbamzy View Post
could i say why are these updates about turtle crates and double mythic and arcane week even happening ? i m,ean only plat players will benefit and poor players (players like me) gets nothing . STS i mean no disrespect u made a great game and all of us especially me put in alot of effort to get good items like mythic items but we cant do it as long as we dont have plats. Also i would like to add why dont u guys make an event and for plat tier why not let the grand prize be nekro or sameal or even hammerjaw ? i would put in more effort than i ever did to be in platinum tier. SO PLEASE sts cater for poor players and some people cant afford plats in real life . PLEASE TAKE MY SUGGESTIONS IN TO CONSIDERATION AND NOT AS A THREAT OR AS A WAY OF MOCKERY . THANK U
* wrong section.

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