There seemed to be a lot of controversy around this. I was decently new when it was announced that this system was returning and the forum erupted with nay-saying.

Fast forward a few weeks and there was a huge issue over "pet transferring" that mods went on record for saying it was a bad idea and ultimately they realized the error. Not that the idea itself was bad but that it introduced a perceived sense of favoritism.

Well then. If the majority is unhappy with the re egging system but want some of the perks involved in it, without the backlash of incident two, tweak the system a bit.

Instead of being only lvl 1 unused pets, make it any level. Instead of mod permissions, charge for it. And to make it equal for all but still profitable, make it cost 1000 plat or 1 million gold to re egg. Still make the egg RETURN to lvl 1 on re egging to make the players transferring still have to work for the benefit.

What y'all think?