Its funny, No matter how good you are, the fact is. Somebody will be better than you, ur using no pce ring (i assume), so thats an auto cue for all pallies/str/anything tbh to rush you. No.2 you use swift, lust > swift TALON, 3. This <-- is a dex set, go str &/or bear if you want to earn a reputation (for wearing some gear and rushing noobs & teaming the more skillful ppl).
My philosophy: dont go endgame without a ring, if this ring is not 3pc, go pally or bear, or have the fact that 3pc is UNBELIEVABLY better than 2pc looming over you like a plate of steamy hot sh** waiting to drop all over you as soon as any opponent manages to hit 2-3 shots &/or dodges 2-3 skills.
this my friend, along with the illogical 100% hit+ (which isnt really 100%), is pvp logic.