I have been asking lowbies in BS why they are there, since they die all the time, can't hit anything, can't use anything in the area, and don't make any friends. I was particularly interested in those people who barely know PL, asking such things are what are drops, which skills to have, how to play. I was even asking whether they'd tried out other "areas."

So in my quest to discover the reason all the lowbies were playing in BS, I finally received an answer to my question.

A level 29 finally said: It's because BS is the only area he can get xp.

It took me a second but I finally got it:
Forest Haven -- of course, L1-13;
Dark Forest -- of course; L11-18;
Balefort -- of course, L15-23 + CS;
and Balefort Sewers -- of course, L20+.

Call me dense. There you go: 4 areas.

Now I feel really bad for thinking these lowbies did not belong in BS. I mean, they have to level somewhere, right? And BS is the only place they can get xp.

Look how hard these lowbies have it: all that dying, all the cursing, the amazingly low drops, and when there IS a drop, they can't use it. And of course, their ignore lists are probably longer than their friends lists.

I was so clueless. I therefore vow to be more understanding. I hope others will follow my example.
