Alright, so I just bought an itouch 4g a couple days ago and while installing apps I remembered seeing something about Pocket Legends on G4 over the summer. Well anyway I decided to try it out and here I am. But I just had a few questions.

In the free version of the game what areas do you have access to?

Could someone please explain the quick join and host game feature, that is unfamiliar to me.

Are there expansions to buy? If so how much are they?

What is the final level cap for a paying player?

Why does it seem like there are more enchantresses than bears or birds?

What would you say is the percentage of each race/class?
Elves: __%
Birds: __%
Bears: __%

What are the specs for each class called?

Would you say the game is well balanced or does it favor particular races/classes/specs?

When should you sell to players instead of npcs?

Is there an auction house like in WoW? If so how do I get to it?

Are you able to actually walk between townes?

Thats all I can think of atm.

I was a resto druid when I played WoW, for a healing enchantress should I just Boost INT, or would it be a good idea to add stat points into STR aswell? Numbers here would be great.

Thank you for any and all answers. Also any additional advice would be much appreciated