Basic questions people tend to ask, just compiled into one. The old FAQ was out dated.

FAQ = Frequently asked questions.

I. What is platinum?
II. Why aren't I getting any XP?
III. Why do some items have different colored names?
IIII. How do I get gold?
X. How do I PvP?
XI. What is the best gear for me?

I. What is Platinum? Where do I get it?

Platinum is an in game currency. Platinum is purchased with real life money (via Google Check Out, Paypal, iTunes etc.) Platinum is used to purchase things to improve your gaming experience, such as Campaigns, Items (armors, weapons, rings, etc) Vanity helms, and and so much more.

Platinum is purchased through the store. Either by clicking the little platinum logo at the bottom of the screen (the coins that are stacked) or by clicking on your name in the upper left hand corner, then clicking on the store button (third one down, in the middle, the three or so silver coins that are stacked) and then pushing "Platinum" and then selecting the amount you wish to purchase.

II. Why aren't I getting any XP (experience)?

If you're not getting any XP (experience), you're most likely level 13, or 18. If you're level 13, you can no longer gain XP in the Forest Haven campaign, you must move on to the Dark Forest campaign (which can be accessed through Ursan Weild, the Dark Forest town, or by sorting your games on the join screen), which is thankfully free now! If you're level 18, you must earn/purchase platinum, and buy the next campaign(s). The next one on the list is BaleFort Castle, and you should be able to get XP in that location.

If that isn't your problem, then you must have disabled XP gain. To reenable it, simply go under Menu tab (the last tab, farthest to the right) and click "Options" find the "Disable XP gain" option (should be on the second page first row on iPods, or second row on ipads) and simply uncheck it.

III. Why do some items have different colored names?

The color of the items name represents the items rarity. Pinks (Legendary items) are the rarest, and can go for as little as nothing, and as high as millions. Next are purples (epics) which are the second rarest kinds of loot, followed by greens (rares), then oranges (uncommon), white (common) and lastly, grey (trash)

IIII. How do I get gold?

There are multiple ways to earn gold. The most productive is farming. Farming is basically playing the game over and over again to get loot, xp, or gold. Farming is the most productive because it gives you the chance at loot (increased if you kill boss) You may pick up some loot of value, that you can sell for gold in CS. CS (consignment shop, located in Fort Blackstone, straight down on the right) is a fantastic place to make gold. There you can list items you want to sell, and/or buy other peoples items. A good way to make use of CS is to buy items that are listed cheap, and put them up for more than you payed for them (which does require some skill) Another way is to just liquidate trash loot that you don't need, it all adds up and can lead to you getting a lot in return.

X. How do I PvP?

Well, I don't want to make this a PvP guide, but it is kinda basic. Depending on your level, PvP is really about timing, and strategy. As an archer, you want to have a solid combo, that is able to deal heavy damage, but you also want to use it quickly! If you can release a solid combo in little time, you'll take down more than you could imagine! Archers don't have fantastic survivability, but they do have awesome damage and dps. As for mages, it's all about combos and strategy. Timing your heals, timing life drain to give added healing, setting up combos such as hot flash. It's all about staying alive. If you can time your heals, you'll outlast your opponent and beat them! Lastly, as bears, you really wanna be able to time, and stay alive. Take advantage of your buffs, since you can buff dodge, armor, and crit, you should really be dependent on your buffs to survive. Take use of skills that stun (stomp, beckon, hell scream, super mega slash) in order to stun your enemy to unleash damage, and use stomp to break free of roots and freeze.

XI. What is the best gear for me?

Gear is very important. Although when it comes down to it, it's the player, not the gear, gear still does help a lot! If you're a Mage, you mainly wanna focus on M/S (mana regen), as for armor, well, armor always matter. Armor isn't the biggest concern for a mage, since they shouldn't be taking aggro (damage from bosses or mobs), and can/should be healing themselves along with their team mates. Crit is always something to look for, if you can get crit, take it. As for archer, you mainly want to focus on dodge, crit and hit. You're built to so damage, so crit and hit comes first IMO. Crit is key, and is what makes you hit harder. Hit is very important since you need to hit your enemy to deal damage. As for dodge, I find hit and crit more important, but for survivability it is a good thing to have. Lastly, for bears. You wanna focus on armor, and H/S (health regen) as a tank, you're going to want to take all the damage while others dish it out. Armor reduces damage, and H/S let's your health recover quicker, although you won't need it as direly if the Mage is healing.

Hope I help!

Feel free to suggest any more questions to me that seem frequently asked. If there are any types, or incorrect information please inform me, and it will be very appreciated. Hoping to add more questions, but don't want to add them if I don't see them asked often. Hope I helped and happy hunting