Thanks for the screen shots Rav. Here are some theories of mine....

1) Regarding the new mythics, it seems STS has done good here... I'm sure you have all noticed, PvP at end game has reached a point where whoever hits first gets the kill half of the time. That's why many of us now do twink pvp, because at least the fights last long enough to require some strategy. The solution to fix this issue at end game is to release new gear with a nice increase in armor without much (or perhaps any at all) increase in damage. If those stats are the final ones, then it appears we will be seeing large increase in armor, but actually a small decrease in damage compared to Imbued. I have to say that I like this. It will force most players to upgrade if they want to be able to survive, and should help to fix PvP. Currently as a sorcerer at level 10, armor is about 3 times as much as damage for most players. At end game, a sorcerer typically has less than 2 times as much armor as damage. This issue needed to be addressed. And for anyone who loves the quick fast paced PvP, maybe 41 with its high damage and para gems will become a popular twink pvp level in the future.

2) It makes sense that they would use these tokens instead of the gold payouts. And believe it or not, this will actually help the non-plat players. Here is why.....

Prior to locked crates being added to the game (seasons 1 & 2), all legendary items had decent value. Then when locked crates were originally added, too many cheap crate legendary items hit the market, and the result was that all legendary items took a value hit, which of course hurt elite farming. So in order to help fix the situation, STS changed crates so that instead of automatically giving a legendary item with every crate, you now had the gold rewards instead. But the problem with this was inflation we saw. Now it's true that some of this was due to plat farming. By using this token system instead of gold rewards, or even instead of SOME of the gold rewards, it will cause the prices of these mythic and arcane items to drop in value due to more of them being on the market. And that in turn will make them more accessible to all players. And without the gold rewards, we will see some deflation over time, so that will further drop the costs down.

3) I HOPE they will consider eliminating all legendary items from locked crates as well. For twinks they are no longer necessary as we now have these events several times a year that pump out plenty of new twink items. And for end game, it would be preferable if all legendary items were farmable only. That would make it more profitable to farm and keep the price of legendary items at a decent level.

4) I think these tokens should also rarely drop from elite bosses in the new expansion, but at a frequency like any other legendary item. They should not be a common drop.

5) I think locked crates should be changed to only have one item in each. They can accomplish this by just tripling the odds of mythic and arcane items, so that your chances are still the same. Then if you don't get a mythic or arcane item, you will get anywhere from 1-5 tokens, with 1 being the most common amount. Because if they keep 3 items per crate, and give tokens as the replacement for gold rewards, then at most anyone can get the best arcane item by opening 300 crates. I can assure you if this happens then arcane items will become WAY too common. They need to still be kept somewhat rare.

6) The "Gold" pet thing is interesting. As arcane items have become the new mythic, and mythic have become the new legendary, then maybe gold is the new arcane. haha. That is their (somewhat typical) marketing strategy to upsell us over time.