I really think that one lvl 45 and up doesn't do a HUGE difference in a xp run in BanditBoy Hideout because there are enough lvl 50 and up to kill monsters.

Btw my lvl 45 bear Sivolc kill more than the majority of mage lvl 50-51-52-53 so stop leaving the game when you see a lvl 45 and up in the group because its frustrating for us !!! I can't lvl up my bear lvl 45 because no one wanna join the group :-O wtf I fight more than them and i do more damage !!! Where's the problem ?!? just because it's written 45 they leave ??? Wait to see my skills before leaving 'cause I bet I destroy you in PVP anyway !!!

And I don't wanna lvl up with noobs in crush the keeper who doesn't even know what rmk means Arrrrgh xD

Please be more understanding with lvl 45 and up :P