I don't know if this is the case with other rogues who play the test server, but I notice that on my (full legendary alt) incidents where my arrows hit crates and barrels when I should be aiming for the mobs/boss happen more frequently and worse than in the live server. It was so bad sometimes that I hit barrels a few meters away when I'm actually standing near a mob. I don't know if this is due to my gear, lag, playstyle, increased number of crates on new maps or some coding thing that makes my skill perceive a far away crate more as a threat than an enemy close at hand. This also makes oops moments where my shot accidentally aggros the next group of mob happen more often. I know with rogue bow skills these misfires are relatively common, but they seem to happen (at least to me) much more on the new maps. I wouldn't have brought this up if it hadn't been the case