Quote Originally Posted by ilhanna View Post
1. I can't speak for other guilds, but I think there is a cycle of activity level that follows the guild members routines. For example, my guild is most active when it is nighttime in Asia/Europe and daytime in the Americas, with the number of members online rising starting at the quest reset time. On week days activity plummets when the Asians/Europeans are at school/work and the Americans asleep. I would assume more homogenous guilds (country-based ones especially) would have more pronounced peaks and valleys in daily activity.

Several responders mentioned the lack of farming opportunities that makes people less inclined to log on. And some guilds have developed systems to communicate off game. I notice that while guild activity in terms of discussions and sharing of experience has dropped as many endgamers come in game rarely, it remains pretty lively off game. For example, we have gear/build/pet/tactics discussions in my guild's Line chat. It's also a way to engage the semi-dormant members who wouldn't come in game unless there is a certainty of activity (people who come in game only when there is a call for pt on Line chat, for example).

2-3. No arcane pets and not a leaderboarder, so not qualified to answer.

4. CMIIW, as I understand it curse effectivity is based on the target's base damage and to a degree, the target's speed of attack, which, IMO makes it less useful in pve where mobs/boss don't hit that fast. Anyway I would still prefer the regular mage cc skills because at least they depend on the mage's own dmg and skills upgrades instead of those of the enemies and well, fire/ice/clock immobilize enemies unlike curse, and I can slot in lightning if I want to inflict more damage.

Rally cry buffs armor, dodge, speed, something you can achieve just as effectively with pets. It doesn't taunt. And warriors already have two buff skills (juggernaut with the stun immunity, vb that buffs dmg), IMO any points you think worth putting in Rally Cry arr better off spent on other skills, especially those that taunt.

Yes, I'm using trap more now in Planar Tomb but still keeping veil for arena.
no. 2-3 can be answered if you know the people or just your opinion if very helpful to me, that's more than enough but NP.

Hmmm.. did VB really2 still good ATM?
I mean it doesn't like the very old VB that regenerates hp n mana so quick. The damage is good so if use it, a war only use 1 skill attack for pve?
Horn, Jugg, VB, and a skill attack?