MMOs usually have one of two systems for equipment stats.

1. Fixed (Each gear has same stats)
2. Range (Gear stats have a minimum and maximum stat)

Right now AL is using fixed stats, so every Arcane ring is the same, every mythic armor has the same stats. That system, although simplistic, creates a conformity effect, where everyone has the same piece of gear and the only deviations would come from either expensive pet or gem choices.

The concept is like this. I loot a Magmatic Claymore. Ok, I'm done with gear unless I gem it or upgrade to a Bonesaw, Maul, etc. I am no longer a source of demand for weapons if I stick with Claymore. Now scale that to all endgamers with endgame gear. Elite Loot becomes less and less desirable as seasons go on, especially when there is no upgrade.

Another notable complaint. Players want new stuff. But not just newer stuff. Better stuff, obviously. (Thank you Egg-Shell).

Let's look at the Range stat system. To put it bluntly, each stat on a piece of gear is given a range (usually high ranges) such as:

300-400 DEX
100-200 HP
900-1100 Armor
1.5%-2.00% Crit (in increments of 0.05% Crit, etc.)

*This can also apply to proc stats*

Those are just a few examples of stats, but one can already see the numerous possibilities for stats.

1. Players would strive for gear perfection.
2. High demand for gear
3. More diversity in auction

1. With the range system, there are no fixed values (except for minimum/maximum), so the gear stats would be very diverse. The system creates incentive for players to improve their stats continually until they are satisfied. Instead of looting gear, gemming, and sitting on it, players can actually move up. Now for arcane/mythic gear, the stat ranges can be more narrow than legendary gear. We wouldn't want players working their tails off for the weakest of all possibilities.

2. Demand for gear will always exist as players attempt to perfect their stats, so farmers can rejoice as the loot will always have some profit, depending on the desirability of the gear. The hunt for high stat gear will keep maps populated and friend lists alive.

3. At the moment, there is a pretty large gap between mythic/arcane and legendary gear. The range system can remedy this problem however. Since loot has varying stats, they in turn have varying values instead of one general price. The less desirable ones will be cheap and ideal as stepping stones for new endgamers, while the most coveted ones will command higher prices. At the least, gear prices will not depreciate as quickly with ranges.

As an MMO, the game is basically supposed to be a journery, one that continues on and on. The same can apply to gear. The range system allows for players to move up the ladder, rather than trying to jump to the top of the mountain.

IMPORTANT NOTE: With the range system, the Stat Values will have to be reevaluated in order to make the possibilities more practical and diverse. One can't get very far with 50 STR or something. This will be a lot of work for STG, so I can understand if it is not feasible to revamp the system.

Other suggestions I have:


In the current state of the game, tanks are no longer viable for successful and fast runs. That is a depressing thought, considering Elite is primarily segregated to rogues and a handful of mages. Potion cooldowns would basically eliminate potion spamming and create a sense of caution. Players would all need to coordinate attacks instead of spamming mindlessly. Tanks would be viable. Heal skills would be even more viable. Pets with healing bonuses would be desired.

Legendary Crafting Materials

IMO, the market for Elite equipment is deteriorating simply because it is over-saturated. Too much supply and not enough demand. The range system can ease with the saturation, but is price plummeting is inevitable. There has to be a way to take items out of game, like gold sinks. Call them 'item sinks' (work on name later)

The idea is to allow for legendary items and above to be salvageable, meaning one can destroy them for resources. These resources can be used in any future equipment STG wishes incorporate and will take out the items out of game.

Legendary materials can be restricted to elite equipment (we don't want loads of conquistador to be used!). So as a result, players are confronted with choices: Use the gear, sell the gear, or salvage the gear.

And again, demand will be created and value will be preserved from this as the legendary materials will be necessary for crafting.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is always welcome