Hi all. I kind of feel bad about posting a negative comment since I enjoy PL that much. Haven't posted much before, but read TONS of interesting posts.
Please be gentle with my spelling, cause I'm from Belgium.

After the recent update I noticed my Mage got a set bonus with mega Mage gear. I was happy with the new stats. I went all out and bought the last fury item (lv55) for my bear (shield). But.. No bonus for the entire set. Initially I thought it just wasn't added yet for the warrior class, but then I saw a bear who DID get all sparkly... The only difference was that I used a battle axe, and he was using the 1H sword. Is this some kind of mistake, or is it supposed to be like this? Isn't fury supposed to be a set or do we have item specific set bonusses now??

I can live with my bird not being all sparkly cause I chose for the scarab bow, but my bear... It just makes me sad.

My toons are:
IKungFuPanda (lvl 55 str/dex bear), IKungFuBird (lv 55 dex bird roach/scarab) and IKungFuMage (lv 55 int enchantress with mm and gemstone wand)