Well all of you enchantresses think it's completely unfair? My oppinion is you aren't playing right or don't have the correct spec. Mysticaldream is an enchantress everytime I've pvp'd with them they stand out, definately a positive on their PvP kd. I've seen them destroy high geared archers and warriors. So now here's my thing I'm arguing with the community here spacetime nothing against you all.

Warriors? What's their downside in PvP? Mana! It runs out extremely quick!

Bird Archers!? What's their downside in Pvp? Skill cooldowns take ages!

Archers can pretty much only destroy one target, if they kill more it's crits or pretty much luck enless they hide for their cool downs.

Warriors.... What do you do when you run out of Mana? Theres not much you can do some may have 1 or 2 m/s if lucky. But that's gonna be a nice little wait before your back in the game.

So it's not all glory for Warriors and Archers after all.