Is it right for a group of 56 players to join a game I hosted ( joined uninvited mind you) leave me as I am doing a quest on that level to kill the boss without me? I told them all they were being rude to run onto the boss without running with me and no one answered me back. They went on to try to kill the boss. I was so mad that I booted each and everyone of them with the reason of "rude". One of them even had the gall to ask me how that was rude. Another saw me in a town right after that and told everyone I should be banned because I booted them at the boss. I wasn't even there with them at the boss. I didn't even get half the xp of the level I created for myself because they plowed through without me. Ooooohhhhh I am sooo mad. I want them to be banned! Who does that? It was MY game. I didn't ask anyone to help me, but I wasn't going to boot people who join and want to play in a friendly manner. It was when they were unfriendly that I booted them.

I wish I felt better after venting, but I don't. This is the sort of thing that makes me want to leave this game.