Hello Everyone,

Just want to first say, I've read close to every post on this forum and appreciate all the insight and strategy you have all contributed.

I have a lvl 55 tank bear with full hate and full bodyguard. I recently found out the joys of the "round up" in stronghold and its probably the most fun I've had playing a tank bear. I am currently switching to my bodyguard set for when I do the round ups (1st room, corridor, back room) and using a combination of all the cooldowns and HP pots to get back alive. I find I still have to use at least 3-4 pots, sometimes many more if my character gets "stuck" in position with the game resetting my position when I get hit.

My question is - what is the best gear set up to wear for maximum defensive stats for doing these round-ups? I noticed Royal Sewers only has a helm and chest. I assume those would be used. What about sword and shield? Fury Fighters? Would fully fury fighters be better? Another mix?

I would like to work on building up toward a good gear set for doing this and I wanted to get some input on where to start and what to work toward.

Thanks for the help!
Kiitz (IGN Kiitz)