Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
I am all aware of that, lol. I already did a sports exercise rotation during college as well as dermatology pharmacotherapy courses. The statement he made:

is completely false, considering only a small portion of individuals get permanent stretch marks from heavy weight-resistance training. A substance called keratin is responsible for skin renewal, and when skin is under stress, keratin turnover rates will rise concurrently, removing such marks from the skin. Everyone is different but just cause stretch marks are permanent for one person doesn't mean it's permanent for everyone.
Ah if you put it that way it makes sense. lol I always thought everyone got sketch marks, cuz all my workout buddies all got them. And all the lotions in the world doesn't seem to make it go away. However i have notice if i don't train for a while or use less weight the marks won't be as noticeable, but is still there.