I'm just worried that rogues will become very op after the level expansion that is coming up (lv56 cap), for a number of reasons:

Firstly, if sts keeps increase the level cap, rogue's crit and dodge rate will increase too. In the lv46 cap, the crit and dodge rate for an average rogue is around 30-40% (Pros would be around 50-60% crit and dodge rate), if level caps keeps expanding, then the rate of crit and dodge for rogues will be nearly 100% (or just a much higher chance). If that happens, rogues will do massive damage to other classes especially with their CRITICAL aim shot. Also warriors and mages will have less hit chances of doing damage to rogues as their dodge rate increases.

Also note that since the lv46 cap, the damage reduction of a rogue is nearly as strong as a tank, most rogues can reach over 2k or a bit less armour value. From what I have seen, only a few very pro tanks have an armour of 3k plus, most tanks have an armour value of 2k-2.7k.

Secondly, even though warriors and mages's stats will also increase during the level cap expansion but its likely that they can not resist the number of critical aimed shots by rogues. The juggernaut and arcane shield might help resist it, but what happens when it cool downs..........(especially juggernaut, cools down really slow).

Thirdly, rogues will able to recover mana once sts releases the mastery skills as it mentions in the heal packs mastery. Mana drain is one of the critical component of defeating a rogue in a 1 vs 1 match (sometimes clashes too). Heal pack is already powerful as it heals massively with just one pack. If rogues is able to heal mana, then it means that they can consistly use their aimed shot and healing packs which then seems that they can never be taken down. Tanks have to use veng, jugg and heal in order to resist the massive damage dealt by rogues and with just one attack skill, which makes a tank a less efficient killer in a 1 vs 1. This shouldn't happen as each class should be balanced (in power) between each other. (sorry i didnt mention about 1 vs 1 with mages and rogues, i dont have a mage character so I'm not 100% sure).

So to conclude, there has to be a deadline for the level cap in Arcane Legends, because imagine a rogue with >70% crit and dodge rate with >1k damage and >2k armour, it will be a MASSIVE KILLER. So please sts, take this in consideration.

Thanks, Xinghvn