Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Greetings Legends! Your friendly neighborhood Remiem here with some more updates on itemization and balance in the coming expansion. In a continued effort to balance the game and create the most fun game experiences for our players, we've made some changes that will allow the game to continue to expand and grow in a healthy and predictable way.

Gem Conversion

As a part of the new expansion, we will be continuing the gradual phasing out of gems in order to make ample room for growth of the jewel system. Gems will no longer be socketable in gear above item-level 46 as it is released. We understand many of you still have some unsocketed gems in your inventory. No worries! Starting with the new expansion, a new crafting station option will become available to all players: Gem Conversion. You'll be able to break down any of your remaining gems into jewels that you can use on your new end-game gear. The conversions will be as follows:
Gem to Convert: Converts To:
Blood Gem (1) Cracked Fury Jewel
Bound Blood Gem (1) Cracked Fury Jewel
Reinforced Blood Gem (1) Standard Fury Jewel
(1) Standard Diamond Jewel
Fire Gem (1) Cracked Finesse Jewel
Bound Fire Gem (1) Cracked Finesse Jewel
Reinforced Fire Gem (1) Standard Finesse Jewel
(1) Standard Diamond Jewel
Glacial Gem (1) Cracked Mind Jewel
Bound Glacial Gem (1) Cracked Mind Jewel
Reinforced Glacial Gem (1) Standard Mind Jewel
(1) Standard Diamond Jewel
Tarlok's Rage Gem (1) Standard Fury Jewel
(1) Weak Finesse Jewel
Tarlok's Wind Gem (1) Standard Finesse Jewels
(1) Weak Mind Jewels
Tarlok's Wisdom Gem (1) Standard Mind Jewel
(1) Weak Fury Jewel
Elondrian Life Gem (1) Fortified Nature Jewel
Necropolis Gem (1) Fortified Water Jewel
Enchanted Eye of Syrillax (1) Noble Fury Jewel
(1) Noble Mind Jewel
(1) Noble Finesse Jewel
(1) Noble Lightning Jewel
(1) Noble Diamond Jewel
(1) Noble Chaos Jewel
(1) Noble Nature Jewel
(1) Noble Water Jewel
Paracelsus Gem (1) Noble Fury Jewel
(1) Noble Mind Jewel
(1) Noble Finesse Jewel
(1) Noble Lightning Jewel
(1) Noble Diamond Jewel
(1) Noble Chaos Jewel
(1) Noble Nature Jewel
(1) Noble Water Jewe

Blood Gem:
For twinks and players still making their way to end-game, all gems will still be socketable in gear at i-level 46 and below.


In the today's update we've made it even easier to collect the jewels you're interested in for your character's build, and have a new addition to jewel offerings coming with the expansion:

+ Client update (3/16): Jewel drop rate has been doubled across the board.

+ With expansion: A new item, Jewel Sacks, will become available with the launch of the new expansion. Jewel sacks will drop 3 jewels each with a chance to drop weak, damaged and standard jewels (no cracked!)

New Crates Coming

At the start of Ren'gol we released Locked Ren'gol Crates, with the announcement that we were moving toward seasonal locked crates going forward. Well, it's that time! When the new expansion drops Locked Ren'gol Crates will no longer be available as drops, and they will be replaced with Cryostar Crates, the official locked crate of the new expansion. Here's some more about how seasonal crates will work:

+ New crate released with each expansion. These crates will replace the old ones as world drops.

+ New crates will contain some similar items, and some specific to the expansion in which it was released, including pets and gear.

+ Items exclusive to the previous season's crates will be available for crate tokens in the previous town hub. (Ex: Ren'gol crate exclusives will be available for tokens in Garetta)

Keep an eye out for more information on the items to be contained in Cryostar crates, and the last-chance items in Ren'gol Crates in future announcements.

Class Balance

With each update and expansion, we work to take your feedback into consideration as we make tweaks to balance to fine tune the class dynamic in Arcane Legends. A few changes happen this update that you'll want to take into consideration when creating your new Skill Mastery Builds.

+ Passive crit percentage reduced: The % crit boost for each point put into the passive Critical skill has been reduced to 0.65% per point, down from 1% per point.

+ Rogue Armor Reduced: Over time, rogues have become much tankier than originally intended. In this update, Rogue armor attributes have been reduced across the board to bring them in line with the class balance design in-game. Rogues will no longer be tankier than Warriors, but will still have more armor that Sorcerers. For Rogue players who value those armor attributes, you'll want to consider putting your Skill Mastery points into Razor Shield which will give you up to 10% damage reduction.

Item Changes

+ Weapon Type Balance: Currently, there is a clear weapon preference for each class, due to certain advantages like damage dealt and attack speed. As new gear comes out, starting with the new expansion, we'll be better balancing each weapon type to be similar in power to its class alternative. Each weapon type will still have unique attributes, but with better balance to stats across the board.

+ Arcane Ring: In the new expansion, the Arcane ring Rendtail's Dragonstone will start to offer diminishing returns past level 46. As an item that has been one of the most powerful in the game for 2 full expansions, this slow decrease in power will still allow it to be viable at later levels, while eventually making way for new gear. With each level above level 46, the ring's Primary Stat bonus will decrease by 2.

Example: Level 46: +30 Primary, Level 47: +28 Primary, Level 48: +26 Primary, etc.

What happens to the existing massive ren lock crates.... do they get converted to the new crates or stay as massive ren locks?