Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
Agreed, I truly don't get this selfish behavior when on many occasions, rogue players have helped support buffs when they were needed. And personally, I've never asked for a nerf on other classes, I've only asked them to become stronger.

This current armor change makes a rogue downright unplayable. Keep in mind that I have 6K HP and I still drop like a rock if anything so much as looks as me now. 1.8K armor was an armor rating that was acceptable 2 seasons ago...

However, that being said. It's my firm belief that STG is closely paying attention so I encourage that we keep our heads and don't insult them for this. Instead, work on providing the feedback that they need to properly fix things!
Yep, yep and yep!

Quote Originally Posted by thekragle View Post
This was a pretty surprising nerf but I feel like there is something we are missing. It would seem that just reducing the armor of the upcoming gear would have been a better move than lowering our base armor. That being said lets hope that there is a reasonable explanation for this when the expansion hits or Sts helps us get some of our armor stats back. For all we know the new upcoming armor could provide some impressive stats and combined with the armor we already had it would be too much. I just hope this gets worked out without too much rogue bloodshed.
I really hope you are right about this too, hate to feel so negative about it all and feel like every class but rogue is getting buffed and better :/