I'd first like to commend sts for looking into to this. For a very long time rouges have been dominating pvp. Warriors just got the upper hand recently but what about the little blue guys? We have been bullied for sooooooo long. "MANA" they say back us up with "MANA"( I'll give you mana when the bar is full you bum!- Dyni's response) I have a fantastic idea that would make us more huggable but less squishy.. how about increasing length of shield, reducing more damage when fully charged and adding dodge proc as well. I know alot of you rouges will complain.. you guys love the surprise 1 hitters quitters and you tanks love grabing us and jumping us but smurfs are people too we deserve to have the same buffs to defend ourselves.. just saying... your number#1 smurf advocate