Quote Originally Posted by Lawpvp View Post
My take on this: why go through all the effort and hassle and discontent with changing peoples level/gear or finding a way to create new gear that surpasses our current gear while not being profoundly broken at endgame. Nobody had complaints about the old system, atleast none that ive ever seen. 0 threads were being made saying the old system needed changing, how many threads have been made saying this one does?

Why cant we just keep the tier system for damage and healing nerfs but leave the matchmaking as it was before? ^^^ least amount of discontent from players and accomodation required on sts part but they still have an easier method for managing the damage and healing nerfs:


so once again, why go through all the hassle when complaints to the old system were nearly nonexistent? Why not keep the tiers for damage and healing nerfs but leave the matchmaking as it was before <<<< this is entirely reasonable if there were no complaints that ive seen with the old system, there wont be any complaints if its brought back
I loved your post, I think you thoroughly explored the topic and your reasoning is very strong. I can't really argue with anything you've said.

However, I am gonna step in and defend what the devs are trying to do here. While it is true that nobody complained about the old system, it is clear that STS is now taking PvP balance seriously. They have two weeks worth of data and, now that they've analyzed it, they've discovered that balancing PvP going forward is far too complex with the current system. Devs proposed and half-implemented a new system. Unsurprisingly, players accustomed to the old, unbalanced system are resisting moving toward a new, balanced system.

We've all made significant investments that are dependent on the old system. But, if Arcane Legends is going to have a sustainable future, PvP must be well balanced. I have a stake in this change; as a level 23 pvp player I stand to lose a small fortune. However, I also want the game to thrive and, because devs have lately been amazingly responsive and open-minded, I'm willing to give them some breathing room and trust that they are trying to do what is best for everyone. I don't think they want to see our hard-earned gear drop 90% in value or otherwise create economic chaos.

That being said, the solution may well be that things return to what they were - idk. Whatever the case, I'd really like to see things how play out because maybe there is a happy medium where we players are satisfied AND authentic PvP balance is an achievable endeavor for devs.