Today I finally got lvl56 gear and decided to get back into PvP , what I noticed is that the amount of effects from different attacks and pets makes it basicly impossible to see team mates , and opponents . This wasn't a huge problem before , but now that we have more pets with extremely bright aa's like mm , and the arcane sword proc ( most annoying one ) , all the new guns give some-kind of aura around the target after hitting it , and most important more pooling pets , it became a problem for me . Not only that it's impossible to see , it also hits hard on your frame rate ( and I'm using a pretty powerful tablet ) . Most of the times I end out shooting at air hoping that I will hit something , and just run around hoping I wont be exposed to enemy rogs ( that I can't see ) while sheild is off . As I stated before I'm using a tablet so I have a big screen , I can't even imagine what mobile users expirience . I didn't really come up with a way to improve this situation , but I hope sts can do something about it . ( I NEVER have same problems in pve for some reason , fps never drops and even the most messy pets , skills and procs don't cause me any discomfort ) .