Hey guys I would like to share my opinions regarding the Arcane staff level 46. Correct me if I am wrong or support me if you think I'm right. Firstly the stats are good but just a few weeks after I bought my arcane staff sts nerf the damage (lost around 100 damage). But keeping that aside, it seem to me that the dragon hunter staff's damage reduction is something that is really not needed by the sorcerers as they are spell casters & rely on their magic's to protect themself. It would have been a lot better off with the warriors. The sorcerers should have the ability to stun, freeze, root,etc but here we all know the rogues & warriors have those skills instead & this seems unfair in my opinion. this is like Rubik building butterfly and assault cuiras in case anyone plays Dota 2.
So I would like to request a change that will actually be useful for sorcerers.
Please comment bellow what you would like if there would be any changes. Thank you.