Many people say that the Ursoth event is not nearly as lucrative as other events; this thread is to (hopefully) prove them wrong.

What are your favorite methods of milking this event for gold? Share 'em here

A couple that work for other events but not this one:

  • Buying minor (in this case leafy) chests with tokens and opening them; while this usually yields 2k, 5k, or one event energy kit, in leafies this only gives a bunch of crud legendaries for 4x the usual amount of tokens.

    Merching cryos before and after event -- while I would think this would work, what with new 56 arcane weps and all, cryo prices aren't skyrocketing. Dunno why.

    Selling the recipes used for crafting grand event chest out massive ren/cryo/watch crates. Recipes aren't tradeable this year.

    Hanging on to event eggs for months and months to sell for 2x price. . . Not sure if this one will work or not; depends on whether Gold tier pet is granted to Stable or as an egg. Fingers crossed.

    Farming event for eggs. I don't think any eggs/tradeable chests drop off bosses this year; correct me if I'm wrong.

Of course, this event has brought a lot of awesome things. . .like pets that grant luck bonuses