Im new here (forum) .. my idea.. 1 sistem of Guild War(Just Top guilds) for? A change to win a city possesion for a week (Monday - Friday), How? At LB we have 50 top Guilds(or can reduce to 45).. and 9 Citys.. doing a clasification for Duels of Guilds.. then the finalist can win a city. Plus can add a Vendor for tokends obtained of the battles (when ur guild win, the players fought win tokends).

Map: A biggest map.. with a 6 flags spots with 6 flags , 2 terrains to defends flags.. pvp mass style (5 players per team (10total)).
Vendor: -recive tokends to exchange for Arc shard, Arc weaps,pets..
-vanity for plats (suits, plates.. and weap vanity)

On the city we can obtain:
-Bonus of Vendors( a percrnt % off for purchase items example: sack of coins)... or buffs added to a city
-Statues for the Best Fighters(max killers) players of the winners Guilds.
-Tokends for exchange for items( Arc weaps, Pets, Items for crafts..)
-Simbolic Union flag with shield

Statues: 2 of the best fighters (killers) of the guild team
When a guild already won a city, figh to defend. The Battles can start the Saturdays.. and the winners may be announced by the chat..

The idea sound a bit incomplete.. but we can do it ..