Quote Originally Posted by ThaAnas View Post
no class should be able to kill all classes, doesnt mean that skill doesnt count...
I agree that rogues are rly op ... geared rogue can beat all types atm in level 16-20
staff > only clash
hammer> dps much too low
daggers > alrounder?
1 geared rogue can kill up to 2 geared player easy ...
hoping for a change
1 geared rogue cannot kill up to 2 geared players easy. 2 tanks, no. 2 mages, no. Tank/rogue, no. mage/rogue, no. 2 rogues? u might kill 1 but not both. Lets not exaggerate here.

While I agree that it is very hard for rogues to be killed by a tank, it is also very hard for a rogue to kill a tank using juggernaut. Juggernaut, once it ends heal, nekro shield, heal and by then jugg is close to off cooldown again.

To those who say mages cannot kill rogues 1v1, i guess ur mages need some practice. While I personally haven't lost to a mage 1v1, My guildie Kut was killing other rogues in my guild 1v1 with great success. I suggest trying out new builds.

Warriors had years in the sunlight as the undisputed top class in twinks. Then as things started evening out between all the classes, rogues armor was nerfed into the ground and mages got their insect gun at which point rogues vanished in twinks. Gear lost value, many rogues quit for other classes. The amount of times I had to fight against 3 tanks and 2 mage lineups is the reason i opened a munch mouth on my rogue, back before pet animacy.

While I agree rogues are the strongest class at the moment, i didn't see people complaining about the reign of dominance tanks had for years, and rogues are still the most vulnerable to slink, probably the second strongest ability in the game due to their lack of cc immunity. Rogues could use razor, but that over nox is just bad so nah.

Ive been playing at lvl 17 since 2014, Ik what im talking about.