You should consider the overall time only. On easy/event bosses might be but on hard elite/mausoleum bosses I doubt it completely and will make a few seconds difference not minutes difference another reason why most of the tanks won't feel the change of weapon. Also you should add the harder playability you will have with your two-handed weapon on this maps and bosses with your low armor. In these cases the damage is made by the other classes most of the time leaving the roll of healer/"tanking" to warriors. I often see warrior chaging weapons on the course of the map and tbh does't change anything. You don't feel it when you play. The only real feel is the durability always. With the dusk aegis proc the mages curse mobs dont kill you in one or two hits wich is good. I just hope a real change in the feel way when you play with this new content. Now we will have explicit roles as attacker and defender.