Hey doom, I know this may not be related to anything in this thread, but would it be alright if you could quickly look for a character named Xiorra in your list of guild members and possibly in your friends list?

I'm an old DL user who was a member of your guild, but I've been having trouble re-logging into my character ever since I've unlinked the account from a former email address of mine (which I admit, was one of the stupidest things I ever did that I still regret to this day). Back then, I had no idea I could change the email address my character was registered to by going to the Spacetime Nexus Offers section via Free Platinum by clicking Modify Account, so I had no choice but to unlink it from my gmail account thinking I could sign back into it but I never did, lol. I recently messaged the game developers for support of possibly retrieving it back, but I'm not entirely sure if I sent them the correct name of my old DL character (which is why I am here). I apologize if this message has been long, but I just wanted to give a bit of a summary to how I ended up where I am now in case you were wondering. [On a side note, it's a lvl 36 character.]

Just give me a reply if you found it or not.

Thank you in advance! ^_^