Just curious about the rift zones, and new maps...
-when the rift pops up (me and guildies have killed shadow spawns to find the rifts the fastest), they rifts can overlap each other, like this picture shows:
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When these rifts overlap each other, it's hard picking the same one as your friend, if there aren't multiple that aren't far away from each other.
Could these rifts not pop up on each other please? Would make farming these new maps much easier.
-me and some guildies were testing the rifts, and when we pick the rift and pick the same class (first class, coach, and stow-away), we don't appear on the same map each time. Sometimes we are at the same map, other times we are at our own separate maps. So then we have to join back to where the rifts are and try to be together again. And our elixer get wasted there
Could the rifts not appear on top of each other, and could joining the same map from the same rifts be improved? Thank you! And this new cap is amazing! So active a fun!