Quote Originally Posted by runagain View Post
I do have, first of all I can bet ur 600-700members don't have all [Exalted]
Secondly their don't have all 100k kills NOR all a positive kdr..

If stats are the main requirement of ur guild .. waw gg, stats means nothing so doesn't mean KDR, it's all about skill..

Ur basically saying u rather recruit someone with maxed gears, 400k PvE, 23k APs and 10k on 1k PvP and no skill than someone with Decent gears 56k PvE, 15k APs and 6k on 5k PvP and which has a huge amount of skill... Speaks for itself no?

Also a positive kdr doesn't have any meaning with skill, a kdr is easily to boost in PvP so it counts for PvE..

Clearly u have no clue what ur saying..

Thanks for the reply and think about what ur writing before blaming me for being "hatig"


You don't get 20k plus aps without some skill and even dm has a pave kill require and aps so what's your point? Why is it so hard to just congratulate instead of hate? Is it because your guild with all its skill can't rise.in the lb? Or because youre an.egotistical jagoff ?