Everyone knows about the insane amount of inflation in PL. There are some items you cannot hope to get if you start from scratch. The main reason for inflation is the players. We make our own prices, with no basis at all. When it comes to more expensive items, people usually use rarity as a factor to determine price. It got me thinking; if there could be a basis for the price of items. Then it dawned upon me that STS must have a record of some sort. With all the bans being made, there has got to be a record of every chat, every trade etc.

If there exists such a record for the daily log-ins and a record for which player owns what item, I've got an idea. I want to call it Estimated Price Based On Rarity Calculator, or EPBORC for short.

This could get complex to explain by writing, but it's quite simple. First it filters out players by total time online every week. Those below 1 hour in a week are considered inactive. This is done because item price depends on the number of active owners not the total number.

The logic of the calculator -

So the gold cap is 1b, and the max number of item slots in trade is 4. If we want to buy 4 of the most expensive items in one trade with cash, they would have to cost 250m each. Therefore, the rarest item would be 250m. That means if an item has one active owner, it would have an Estimated Price by Rarity or an EPR of 250m. If an item has two active owners, its EPR would be 250 ÷ 2 = 125m. And so on...

There could be an NPC somewhere with all the EPRs. Also, if the player wishes, he could liquidate his item directly for half of EPR through the NPC.

This is what I've got so far. It's just an idea. Of course I made this keeping in mind that the possibility of it actually happening is close to zero. But if you think my logic is flawed somewhere, feel free to tell me in a comment.