As many of u know I recently went on a rant about PL and after giving away all my equipment and gold, I abruptly quit the game. Since then, after some time away and after spending some time out of the country in Honduras doing some relieve work, I was reminded of the truly important things in life. First, I would like to offer my apologies to all the PL community and staff. I was reminded that there are much more important things to get worked up about than a few guys not responding how u would like from some online game company. It was childish and quite immature of me to take such action as I did. I do appreciate all of you who showed support and well wishes. I have tried over the last year to conduct myself, while playing PL, in an honorable and ethical way and have asked others to do the same. The way I acted did not live up to that and for that I apologize. Also, there are several kids who I have helped out and have become friends in the the PL realm (with buying plat and other things over the year) that i was informed may have went on a rather long swearing rampage after hearing of my quitting (causing their subsequent 7 day ban) You know who you are and you know that this is not how we should conduct ourselves. I was wrong and so were you. We all need to stand up and take ownership. I will be playing under a different name, all equipment is given away (did give away over 7mil gold as well) so I guess that is a good lesson for me. It might be fun to start over, we shall see. I guess we live and we learn.

Lucilulu (soon to be ?) - 56
Lucilu - 55
Dopeydaddy - 55
And 7 other former names