Quote Originally Posted by Xyzther View Post
You repeatedly attempted to convince us how nemo wasn't the best mage which shows your view really was on what we were saying. If you really weren't taking us seriously you would've done one of three things:

1. Joined in on what we were saying because you have a sense of humor (the fun option)
2. Think of us as childish and simply ignore what we say (the mature option)
3. Show disapproval for giving sarcastic praise to another player (the ethical option)

You instead chose to tell us over and over how we were wrong and why you were correct. You also showed signs of aggravation, which I doubt would be triggered unless you really did take what everyone else was saying seriously.

I am sorry that you envy Nemdomfighter's pvp skills, hey we all do. It's ok though because he usually stands in the towne to give new up-to-date pvp advice for anyone who strives to be as good of a player as the diety Nemdomfighter himself. Also I do agree this thread is extremely biased, for Nemdomfighter isn't listed as the number 1 mage. We agree on something there at least, my friend.

Also Will if you're reading this hi ily bb <3
Don't get me wrong, but you're making it sound like you dont think Nemo is the best mage?