I've been playing PL for at least 4 or 5 months now. It has been my favorite game of all time for any system, due to it's portability, fast paced game gameplay, addictive style, and quirky attitude. But recently the gcd has killed the fast paced gameplay, although I'll admit it's MUCH better sinceits been reduced.

But what I'm most upset about is the Shield of Gratitude. Ok so you made the game free for new players. Awesome. To pay the ones who bought it back, you gave us a shield that gave us +10hp and +20armor. AWESOME for low level characters, nit really for higher ones. But now, it's a vanity shield that does nothing but look ok. You're giving out the Founders Helm, which I missed by a month, and to top it off, all elixers cost only platinum. I'm extremely upset about all of this, I feel really f$&ked over. It seems like they're catering completely to new players, and giving us who paid plenty for the maps, character respecs, items, faces, auction slots, inventory and stashslots, and much more, next to nothing. I was ok(not ecstatic) about the shield when it had stats. But now, I feel completely taken for granted as a paying(50$+ and more in the future) player. I'm not sure if any of this has changed as I haven't logged on in a day, but I've never been disappointed in spacetime studios, only amazed. Now I feel somewhat abandoned.

If they're adding anything new I havent heard about please correct me. I LOVE pocket legends! And I just want to feel somewhat adequately thanked for paying and continuing to pay when so many others haven't.