Quote Originally Posted by VROOMIGoRealFast View Post
Hey Everyone!

Wanted to respond to some feedback from things in this thread.

General Notice:
- Devs do read your responses, comments, and suggestions. Unfortunately your response may not be read by someone who is equipped to respond (ex. An artist reading about a design bug) so it may be relayed to the team without a comment. As we are still actively working on AL, it's hard to find the time to acknowledge every single comment (I wish it really took only 2 seconds) but we do read and discuss them as a team.
- Remember to have some patience when you make a comment. We are people too, we have work hours but we also have eating hours, sleeping hours, bathing hours (well at least some of us have these) and in most of those hours we are unable to read the forums. Waiting 2 hours after you reply to post it again but with a little more anger won't make us see it faster or take action more quickly. If there's an issue take some deep breaths and please give us some time to respond

Ok now on to the issues:
Crate Keys
- Dormox will now sell Nightmare Crates for 40 Crate Keys alongside the 40 platinum option. These crates are still restricted to Level 66 only.

Crate Tokens
- No action on this one, but we acknowledge the offerings for Crate Tokens are a bit outdated.

Arcane Weapons
- Please use the proper channels to discuss any issues you find with the Arcane Weapons (Bug Forum, posts dedicated to the weapons). We've fixed issues with the Arcane Bow hurting yourself and teammates (and not hurting enemies). We know many people reply to these Announcement threads with issues thinking it's more likely to be read, but it's much more likely we'll notice a Bug Thread of "Arcane Bow is hurting teammates" than to happen to be on Page 5 of an announcement post and see your comment.
- If there any other other issues with Arcane Weapons that you believe are bugs, please post threads about them in the bug section so we can take a look

- Yea he kind of looks like Crate Keys but I promise he cannot help you open any Locked Crates
- His "Mana Field" is part of his personal happiness effect like Samael. That means you can only access this if Dreambot is the base pet (using his own passive attacks). You can slot a new Happiness Bonus and Arcane Ability and still have this Mana Field.

If there are more questions or concerns continue posting them. If there are no more questions or concerns.. YAY (but I'm a little scared)
But most importantly.. SHE IS AWAKE!!

Always staying "Woke"
- Vroom
Very well response! Thanks!

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