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As many may have heard (and/or noticed), there's not many guildies running around with the once well-known <Epic Impact> tag under their name anymore. While I won't go into a ton of detail, both Ingonghulu (founder, GM, curator) and I (GM, curator) were away for quite a while. The capable officer who was given GM status fell ill.

We are now in the process of building a new guild, and several of our most-loyal confidants have joined us once again! Before we do an official "launch" in PL, we are first building up our core support from known and trusted friends (i.e. officers, top-level recruiters, etc.). Both Ingonghulu and I will serve jointly as Co-GM and will both return full-time in January.

Our vision is the same as it was when Epic was created initially -- to bring together like-minded, honorable, and civil folks in a sort of "haven" for the lost art of PvE. If you see any of us running around with <Infinitum> in the tagline, please stop for a chat and join us on our journey. You've stood behind us before and saw Epic prosper, so let's do the same for INF. We are here to stay (hence the guild name), and love to help out any new or returning players.

Ad Infinitum!!

I'll leave you with this from a popular poet and a movie: "to see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour"