Quote Originally Posted by FeralDruid View Post
Why make 2 versions of the game when In-App purchases can suffice those willing to pay more? 2 executables = 2 versions that have to get bug fixed when they are found, introduced, or squashed. Seriously, this model isn't broken, if you want to give the devs more money, send them a paypal.

Here, have a read on the financial benefits of going freemium, and what it's done for the C64 emulator.

The fact that you're willing to pay so much is a good thing, you are obviously enjoying the game, heck, we all are if we're here talking about it. This shows the Devs we are interested in investing more into their product, thats not a bad thing.
Why couldn't the Premium/Pro just be an in-app purchase? Just like buying a map pack unlocks the ability to play in more dungeons, shouldn't it be possible to buy a "Premium Player Pack" within the game that unlocks more features that are otherwise hidden from you if you are just playing the free basic version?