Probably should go in the player guides area, but I feel like more people will see it in General.

How to beat it fast
The easiest ways to grind it down fast are to have at least 1 of each class
  • Warrior: Need to play the tank; lure away the 3 main predators that get in close (Dark Jag, Infinity Admiral and Lord Jupiter) and get them to follow you to Professor Odd. Work your hardest and keep their attention.
  • Rogue: Kill the 4 listed above helping the Tank; do as much as damage as possible!
  • Mage: Go right to the Shuyal commander and freeze him continuously+ do as much damage to him as possible to eliminate him. If you can't just keep him frozen
  • Fourth member: Do what's needed whether that be take Red Enchantress' attention or help the Tank/Rogue take the bulk

It's better to just freeze the Shuyal Commander because he's only one boss and there are 5 others. I've found it faster to freeze him until dead and it speeds it up. The tank lures away 4 of them because if they start getting near the Mage and Shuyal Commander the mage's ice ball might hit something else giving the Commander a chance to shield his allies.

Once you've beat it (F2P players with no event energies) Run over to K4 and grind it down getting 15 energy essence. I like to grind it to 30-45 energy essences that way I can just get more crafting right away.

I only created this thread because I keep getting questions and complaints about this event and people asking how to beat it fast. This is a pretty easy way to beat it and I've run with 3 level 60s and beat it in 4 minutes. (Low-Mediocre gear) Questions or comments? Have a better way? I'm not the best at making threads but I'm trying to give this a shot! Thanks for reading

IGN: Shocann
Yt: Shocan AL